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Home / Presentation / Academic institutions and their representatives
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Academic institutions and their representatives


  • Domain : SHS (Social sciences and humanities) and STS (Sciences, Technologies and Health)
  • Mention : Geomatics
  • Course : SIGMA (Geomatics sciences applied to environment and land planning)

Academic institutions and their representatives


UT2JMartin Paegelow, professor 23th section, co-director

Tel : 05 61 50 36 27 / Fax : 05 61 50 42 75 - paegelow(at)univ-tlse2.fr


INP-ENSATClaude Monteil, maître de conférences, 61th section, co-director

Tel : 05 34 32 39 24 - monteil(at)ensat.fr

Partnerships :

Université Toulouse III - IUT Informatique
Patrick Bergougnoux
, professor, 27th section
TEl : 05 61 77 06 78 / Fax : 0561 770 671 - Patrick.Bergougnoux(at)cict.fr

Universidad de Granada (Espagne) – établissement d’accueil
Maria Teresa Camacho Olmedo
, professor
Tel : + 34 958 24 36 41 / Fax : + 34 958 24 62 13 - camacho(at)ugr.es